
Vederi is a small village near Rethymnon 1 km from Prines and 10 kilometers west of Rethymnon.

Vederi had a protective function for Prines, warning the village during pirate raids as it has a clear view of the sea and is located at an altitude of 170 meters

The village took its name from the Italian Vedere (to see).

The village of Vederi, whose permanent residents today do not exceed 50, has preserved its centuries-old Venetian architecture, since even today around its narrow streets there are houses with battlements, imposing doors, stone cornices and domes .

The village appears in the Venetian censuses of the 16th century and is referred to by the name “Vuerus”.

What distinguishes Vederi is the beautiful natural landscape. Southwest of the village and over 1,000 meters in length, an impressive oak forest spreads, while in the Northwest there is a ravine filled with large wild trees.

The olive grove of the village “Venerata” dominates to the North with its perennial olives that were planted during the Venetian era.

The Vederi Gorge is also one of the important natural attractions the visitor can enjoy.

On the hilly side of the village we can see the church of Agios Ioannis Theologos, whose feast day is on June 24. It is built in the Renaissance style with an impressive bell tower and a remarkable icon screen of rare beauty.


Map of attractions in Crete